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Direct release of embryonic sporophytes from adult Nereocystis luetkeana (Laminariales, Ochrophyta) in a high latitude estuary
Brian P. Ulaski, Brenda Konar
Algae. 2021;36(2):147-154.   Published online June 17, 2021
DOI: https://doi.org/10.4490/algae.2021.36.5.10
                           Web of Science 2  Crossref 2
Monosiphonous growth and cell-death in an unusual Bostrychia (Rhodomelaceae, Rhodophyta): B. anomala sp. nov.
John A. West1,*, Susan Loiseaux de Goër2 and Giuseppe C. Zuccarello3
Algae. 2013;28(2):161-171.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.4490/algae.2013.28.2.161
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Seasonal variation in kelp phlorotannins in relation to grazer abundance and environmental variables in the Alaskan sublittoral zone
Angela Dubois and Katrin Iken
Algae. 2012;27(1):9-19.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.4490/algae.2012.27.1.009
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Temporal and spatial variation in the distribution of life history phases of Chondrus crispus (Gigartinales, Rhodophyta)
David J. Garbary1,*, Elizabeth Tompkins1, Katelyn White1, Peter Corey2 and Jang K. Kim2
Algae. 2011;26(1):61-71.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.4490/algae.2011.26.1.061
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Life History and Systematic Studies of Pseudothrix borealis gen. et sp. nov. (=North Pacific Capsosiphon groenlandicus, Ulotrichaceae, Chlorophyta)
Louis A. Hanic and Sandra C. Lindstrom*
Algae. 2008;23(2):119-133.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.4490/algae.2008.23.2.119
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Goniotrichopsis reniformis (Kajimura) Kikuchi comb. nov. (Stylonematales, Rhodophyta) from Japan
Norio Kikuchi1*, John A. West2, Mitsuo Kajimura3 and Jong-Ahm Shin4
Algae. 2006;21(2):185-191.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.4490/algae.2006.21.2.185
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Morphology and Life History of Stylonema cornu-cervi Reinsch (Goniotrichales, Rhodophyta) from Japan
Norio Kikuchi* and Jong-Ahm Shin1
Algae. 2005;20(1):37-42.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.4490/algae.2005.20.1.037
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Life History of Porphyra seriata Kjellman (Bangiales, Rhodophyta) from Korea in Laboratory Culture
Nam-Gil Kim, Masahiro Notoya
Algae. 2004;19(4):303-309.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.4490/ALGAE.2004.19.4.303
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Life History and Growth of the Epiphytic Thallus of Porphyra lacerata (Bangiales, Rhodophyta) in Culture
Masahiro Notoya, Kazuhiro Nagaura
Algae. 1998;13(2):207-211.
Life History and Taxonomyof Aglaothamnion oosumiense Itono(Ceramiaceae, Rhodophyta)
Ok-Kyong Chah, Gwang-Hoon Kim
Algae. 1998;13(2):199-206.
Morphotaxonomic Studies on the Korean Ectocarpaceae (Phaeophyta) IV. Botrytella parvus (Takamatsu) comb. nov., Life History and Morphogenesis Based on Light-Temperature Gradient Culture
Hyung-Seop Kim
Algae. 1996;11(1):45-57.
Systematic Studies of Ceramium kondoi (Ceramiaceae, Rhodophyta) in the Field and in Culture
Sung-Min Boo, Hwan-Su Yoon
Algae. 1993;8(2):179-189.
Reproduction and Life History of Antithamnion secundum Itono (Ceramiaceae, Rhodophyta)
Kim Gwang Hoon, In Kyu Lee
Algae. 1992;7(1):1-6.
Binghamiopsis caespitosa gen. et sp. nov. (Lomentariaceae, Rhodophyceae) from the Eastern Pacific
In Kyu Lee, John A. West, Max H. Hommersand
Algae. 1988;3(1):1-13.
Morphology and Reproduction of Anotrichium yagii (Okam.) Baldock (Ceramiaceae, Rhodophyta)
Hyung-Seop Kim, In-Kyu Lee
Algae. 1986;1(1):87-94.
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