Algae 1988;3(2): 111-117. |
On Surface Structures of Amphiroa ( Corallinaceae , Rhodophyta )
Do Sung Choi, In Kyu Lee
Department of Botany, Seoul National University
General surface structures of Amphiroa are investigated in 7 sepcies by scanning electron microscopy. The thallus surfaces are characterized by series of round to irregular cell outlines separated by smooth and flat cell walls. The maximum size of epithallial concavities in surface features is 7.5±0.5μm in diam. and calcification between epithallial concavities is 1.8±01.μm thick. The surface area occupied by epithallial concavities is ca. 48%. In addition, trichocyte in Amphiroa appears to be a simple pore lacking differentiated base, and is always formed in cell wall region. This character is apparently distinguished from both Corallina-type and Jania-type, which have a distincitive trichocyte base. Thus, we propose this type of surface structues as the Amphiroa-type and suggest that this can be a useful diagnositc character at subfamily level in articulated coralline algae.
Key words:
Surface structure, Amphiroa, Amphiroa-type, Croalline alge, Taxonomy |